

Primary Care Practice, Aesthetics & Pediatrics located in Caddo Mills, TX


About Injectables

Injectables are a perfect aesthetic treatment option for busy people wanting to enhance their appearance without undergoing a surgical facelift. Guiselle Berry, NP at Revive Family Care & Wellness in Caddo Mills, Texas, is a highly experienced practitioner who provides a range of convenient, effective injectables such as Botox®, Jeuveau®, and Restylane®. Call Revive Family Care & Wellness to learn about the benefits of leading injectable treatments, or book an appointment online today.

Injectables Q&A

What are injectables?

Injectables are substances that reverse the signs of aging when injected into the face or hands.

The advantage of injectables is that they fulfill the role of more invasive procedures, such as face and brow lifts, without the accompanying risk and discomfort associated with surgery.

What problems can injectables address?

Injectables can address most common facial aesthetic problems, including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Hollow cheeks and temples
  • Thinning lips
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Marionette lines
  • Perioral rhytids (wrinkles around the mouth)
  • Undereye hollows and shadows
  • Glabellar lines between your eyes

Some products are also suitable for improving aging skin on the hands.

What kinds of injectable treatments are available to me?

Revive Family Care & Wellness uses the most effective, proven injectables, such as:


Botox is the original injectable treatment, and after 30 years of use as a medical and, more recently, aesthetic treatment, it’s still one of the most popular aesthetic procedures. Botox is derived from botulinum toxin and blocks nerve signals that contract facial muscles. This means the muscles relax, and lines and wrinkles smooth out.


Jeuveau is another botulinum toxin type A injection. It’s similar to Botox and is particularly good for glabellar lines.


Restylane dermal fillers reduce wrinkles and plump up hollow areas. They contain hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that hydrates skin, helps make it more elastic, and gives your tissues fullness. Hyaluronic acid levels diminish with age, contributing to lines, sagging, and other aesthetic issues.

It’s possible to combine Botox or Jeuveau with Restylane fillers for a liquid facelift. The treatments complement each other, achieving an overall effect similar to facelift surgery with fewer risks, less pain, and minimal downtime at a significantly reduced cost.

Revive Family Care & Wellness also offers AquaGold fine touch™ treatment, which delivers 2,400 hyaluronic acid microinjections per minute into the skin.

How long do injectable effects last?

Botox and Jeuveau’s effects can last up to four months, so you need to return to Revive Family Care & Wellness around three times a year to maintain the improvement in your wrinkles.

Restylane injectables take various forms to address specific problems, with effects lasting between six and 18 months. Follow-up sessions typically require less filler than the initial treatments.

If you’d like to learn more about aesthetic injectables, call Revive Family Care & Wellness to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online today.