
Preventative Healthcare

Primary Care Practice, Aesthetics & Pediatrics located in Caddo Mills, TX

Preventative Healthcare

About Preventative Healthcare

Avoiding disease in the first place is far better than waiting until you get sick, and many common health problems are preventable. Guiselle Berry, NP, at Revive Family Care & Wellness in Caddo Mills, Texas, uses preventative medicine techniques to identify your risk factors and help you avoid diseases like Type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. To learn more about preventative healthcare, call Revive Family Care & Wellness today or fill out the online form to schedule a consultation.

Preventative Healthcare Q&A

What is preventative healthcare?

Preventative healthcare helps you avoid ill health and saves time, money, pain, and distress.

Identifying and addressing your risk factors for disease is a far better way of safeguarding long-term health than treating illnesses when they’ve already damaged your body or become incurable.

Chronic conditions like high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, Type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol all develop over time, often without causing any symptoms. Untreated, they can lead to potentially life-threatening strokes and heart attacks.

Revive Family Care & Wellness helps you avoid these conditions and others by addressing your individual risk factors and improving your body’s ability to fight disease.

What does preventative healthcare involve?

Your first preventative healthcare visit involves a routine review of your medical history, relevant family history, and a discussion of your current health. Your provider also performs a physical exam.

A blood workup can identify the early stages of diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and other diseases so you can act quickly before they worsen. Screening procedures for cancer, such as Pap smears to check for cervical cancer, colonoscopies for colorectal cancer, and breast and prostate exams, are also invaluable.

Revive Family Care & Wellness can identify certain risk factors immediately, such as excess body weight, whether you exercise enough, your drinking and smoking habits, stress levels, and an unhealthy diet.

Another key aspect of preventative healthcare is immunization. Your provider can give you any booster shots required and complete courses for infants and young children, preventing potentially life-threatening infections like tetanus, polio, and diphtheria.

What other preventative healthcare treatments stop me from getting sick?

If you have any risk factors for disease, your provider can create a suitable treatment plan that includes all the measures you need to take.

Lifestyle changes are one of the critical factors in preventative healthcare. The Revive Family Care & Wellness team provides weight loss services and support to make other changes to improve your overall health.

You could benefit from IV vitamin infusions to give your health an extra boost. These nutrient-rich treatments help support your immune system so you can fight infection. They also rid your body of environmental pollutants and free radicals that damage cells around your body.

To take advantage of the multiple benefits of preventative healthcare, call Revive Family Care & Wellness today or book an appointment online.