
IV Therapy

Primary Care Practice, Aesthetics & Pediatrics located in Caddo Mills, TX

IV Therapy

About IV Therapy

Proper hydration and balanced vitamin and mineral levels are vital for overall health and well-being. At Revive Family Care & Wellness in Caddo Mills, Texas, Guiselle Berry, NP, offers intravenous (IV) therapy to boost hydration and nutrition, leaving you refreshed and revitalized. Several IV infusions are available, including ones to improve immunity, increase energy, and help you manage chronic diseases. Call Revive Family Care & Wellness to learn about IV therapy’s benefits, or book an appointment online today.

IV Therapy Q&A

What is IV therapy?

IV therapy replenishes fluid levels, restores essential nutrients, and optimizes bodily functions. Revive Family Care & Wellness offers comprehensive IV therapy services and tailors each patient’s treatment plan to meet their individual needs.

IV therapy delivers fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals straight into your bloodstream using an intravenous (IV) line. This direct delivery method lets your body rapidly absorb the infusion by bypassing the digestive system.

Is IV therapy more effective than dietary supplements?

Anything you eat or drink must pass through your gastrointestinal tract, which extracts nutrients. However, your body can’t always harvest all the nutrients, so they pass through unused. This problem is worse if you have a digestive disorder or other health condition that affects nutrient absorption.

With IV therapy, your blood receives the nutrients immediately, so you don’t miss out on any.

What other benefits does IV therapy offer?

IV therapy offers several significant benefits, including:


IV therapy rehydrates your body quickly and effectively. This is particularly beneficial if you become dehydrated due to illness, excessive heat, or intense physical activity.

Nutrient replenishment

IV therapy transfers nutrients directly to your cells, ensuring optimal nutrient levels. This helps boost your energy levels, supports immune system function, and improves your overall well-being.

Fast-acting symptom relief

IV therapy ensures rapid results because the nutrients go directly into your bloodstream.


IV therapy is customizable to meet your specific needs. Revive Family Care & Wellness providers tailor the infusion to support specific health problems like diabetes, address deficiencies, or enhance your athletic performance.

What does IV therapy involve?

IV therapy sessions occur in Revive Family Care & Wellness’s comfortable infusion room. The liquid enters the bloodstream through a needle and a slim, flexible tube (cannula) inserted in an arm vein.

The length of your session varies depending on your treatment plan, so it could take 30 minutes to several hours. You can read, use your smartphone or other mobile device, or just relax during this time.

Revive Family Care & Wellness follows strict guidelines to ensure patient’s safety and comfort during IV treatments. The treatment is suitable for most people, and you undergo a thorough consultation beforehand to review your medical history, identify contraindications (reasons you shouldn’t proceed), and evaluate your specific needs.

Call Revive Family Care & Wellness to learn more about IV therapy’s benefits, or book an appointment online today.